
Seraphim Angels

What are the Seraphim? Throughout time the Seraphim have been known as the highest order of angels, next to ...Read more

Seraphim Angels

Client Feedback

She (Liz Ann) is a person who holds a fine-tuned spiritual vibration, is a gifted intuitive healer, an articulate communicator and is in communion with the celestial energies of the universe.  

FJ, Denver, Colorado

Contact Information

Dancing Spirit Metaphysical Fair

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  • May 7, 2022
    11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Please join us on May 7 for Fun, Powerful Crystals, and Inspiration!

You can schedule ahead with me to reserve your time to have your session with the healing Seraphim Angels and hear any message they may have for you. At noon, I will be presenting about the Seraphim Angel and other Light Energies!  Come listen, it’s free.

Location is: Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe st

Time 11:00 -5:00

Fair entry is $2 and sessions are 20 minutes for $25. We hope to see you soon!!

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