“This is an amazing time for those involved in the new raised energy. You will succeed and to be helpful to yourself and others. The process is in motion but patience is required, and the more shared is good. More is coming in a way that is clear and brilliant.”
~ Seraph ADALIAN
Thank you for finding your way to my website. This is your portal to Seraphic Wisdom and personal evolution. Please come in and discover the tools to take you to the next level of awareness to stay balanced and centered on your life path, your soul’s blueprint.
A Message From the Seraphic Angelic Consciousness
May 31, 2017
This is the miracle that astounds the world. The miracle is the golden plan of Source…with human issues but with constant and undying love, compassion and understanding of the human condition.
The works of humankind have begotten the problems of today through misguided actions but all of this can change in an instant with the proper use of LOVE. LOVE for its own sake with no expectations of return. Do this and all will be healed, harmonized, quickly, more quickly than has oft been spoken as the plan of the ages.
This miracle is available to those willing to walk in the light and energy of the shifting and expanding New Earth Paradigm. Be strong, know you are invincible when your heart, your whole being is infused with the holy light, color, substance and profound energy of LOVE.
© 2013-2014, Liz Ann Fischer, Seraphic Angel Connections. All Rights Reserved.