
Seraphim Angels

What are the Seraphim? Throughout time the Seraphim have been known as the highest order of angels, next to ...Read more

Seraphim Angels

Client Feedback

She (Liz Ann) is a person who holds a fine-tuned spiritual vibration, is a gifted intuitive healer, an articulate communicator and is in communion with the celestial energies of the universe.  

FJ, Denver, Colorado

Contact Information

TH, Cartersville, GA


Results of Long Distance sessons with Liz Ann Fischer with Wave of Love and Healing energy, Seraph ADALIAN

Health Issue:

October 2013: I am having major dental issues. The pain is worsening after periodontal LANAP procedure that unfortunately only worked on 8 of the 10 affected teeth.  I do not care for pain  medications unless absolutely necessary and am using alternative therapy to better the situation.

Session 1 – Oct. 2, Liz Ann provided pain relief and calm with the Seraphic Wave.

Session 2 – Oct 3: teeth hurting. I felt head fill with intense energy and nerve endings activate. Intense energy moved to feet and right arm to hand. Pain gone!

Session 3 – Oct 31: Energy helped keep me stable. 2 teeth removed – no pain although teeth were infected and roots were twisted all this time.

Thanks to Liz Ann for helping me to work through this whole dental experience, it was tolerable.  I am continuing to heal rapidly.  I am sharing her website with everyone.

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