2 parts via Zoom, Seraphim Rose Pyramid System for Soul Realization and Full Embodiment class
June 6, 2020 - June 7, 2020
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This class will be via Zoom and in 2 parts. Saturday, June 6, 1:00- 5:00 pm MT and Sunday 1:00- 4:00 pm MT.
Please join us for this significant and powerful meditation system workshop. This is a new system that reunites all the many aspects of your soul from your quantum to the cosmic self. There are specific symbols build around a pyramid that speaks to your innermost needs bringing profound results. This system allows you to move forward quickly with your spiritual growth. The New Earth paradigm is now able to support the full system which has NOT been in use on Earth before this time.”
“The Earth has been asleep and in the dark for a long time. It is now time to bring the pyramid information to begin the Global Awakening. ” Andalithar.
Within the expanding New Earth energies, we are now able to use this system for our Soul Realization and Full Embodiment to clear, balance, and harmonize our total self and realize our Divine Plan.
This system has 12 symbols based on the sacred geometry of a 4-sided pyramid with specific angles utilizing high frequencies available to us. Each symbol has a unique way of addressing our totality of self to clear and balance our totality from our smallest quantum particle to our cosmic origins. You will have a workbook for ease of use of this system that is included in the fee. Full details under CLASS tab.
Zoom information will be sent upon completed registration which is due by June 2 to allow you to receive the workbook.
Questions, please call Liz Ann 720-357-0017
reetakes $75.
Venue: Venue of 2 parts via Zoom, Seraphim Rose Pyramid System for Soul Realization and Full Embodiment class
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